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 05-01-2017, 09:04 Post: 45507

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 God, guns, guts......and America

First of all, I have attended funerals like and have felt those same emotions for the old timers that taught me to hunt, mu condolences.

I stopped hunting on public land due to the abuse/carelessness of a few that made it dangerous for all. I attribute that to a lack of upbringing brought about by a lack of family values, single parenting (where the father or mother just walks away from the kids to find themselves) and the entitlement mindset that goes along with too many public subsidies. Not to mention too much too soon, by that I mean many of todays generation do not place a value upon other people's rights or the sight of an undisturbed mountainside in a light snow with whitetail running between the leafless trees. I used to sit and watch that in my favorite spot in Prattsburg NY.

There is no shortage of huge white tail around my house or in this area, in fact there are so many they have become a nusiance. Not many people hunting and when they do many times they are harassed. They have their predators around here too, domesticated dogs belonging to irresponsible owners running them to death, cars, trucks, starvation due to overpopulation and so on. I had one charge the side of my truck in October doing thousands of dollars in damage and get up and run off. That was 200' from my driveway on my way home from work late on a rainy night, he still hangs around my yard. He has a huge rack and runs with a bit smaller eigth point. Hunting has received a bad rap due to a small group of bad people participating in the sport and a media blitz to disarm us all. If they worked as hard at throwing the law breakers in jail we wouldn't have the positive reinforcement society presents now to commit a crime of any type, illegal hunting, rape, robbery or whatever.

God bless your cousin, I hope she has plenty of kin to carry on. She was a true American woman.

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